Spring and The Worm Moon

Spring and The Worm Moon

Last week we welcomed the Spring Equinox and March’s full moon – which is sometimes referred to as the “Worm Moon.” Last week, we also said goodbye to my father-in-law, Pete, through a beautiful funeral service and family gatherings.  As many have shared over the 

Winter Walking

Winter Walking

In this new year, I have found myself walking devotedly throughout the trails at Spring Bird. I try to set foot upon every inch of human trail and sometimes an accessible deer path each time I set out. I walk as quickly as I can 

Elgin Mini-Fringe Solo Show at Side Street Studio Arts

Elgin Mini-Fringe Solo Show at Side Street Studio Arts

I have been lucky enough to have been awarded the honor of being the Elgin Fringe Festival poster artist for 2025. While the main festival and poster isn’t arriving until September, Side Street Studio Arts in Elgin hosted a one day Mini-Fringe Festival during which 

2025 Artist Residency Accepting Applications

2025 Artist Residency Accepting Applications

Calling All Artists! Writers! Musicians! and Makers!!!!! It’s time to apply to the 2025 Spring Bird’s Artist Residency Program!!! This Residency is for anyone wanting to finish that project they’ve been meaning to complete, OR for those dreaming of something new that they’d like to 

2024 Spring Bird Artist in Residence!

2024 Spring Bird Artist in Residence!

Patrick and I are so excited to further the connections of art, nature, and land with this year’s recipient of the Spring Bird Cottage Residency – artist Stephanie Sailer! Stephanie intends for “this project is to explore the surrounding forest and forage for small, unassuming 

Spring Bird Cottage Artist Residency!

Spring Bird Cottage Artist Residency!

Calling All Artists! Writers! Musicians! and Makers!!!!! It’s time to apply to the 2024 Spring Bird’s Artist Residency Program!!! This Residency is for anyone wanting to finish that project they’ve been meaning to complete, OR for those dreaming of something new that they’d like to 

Building Shiitake Mushroom Branding

Building Shiitake Mushroom Branding

I’ve been working on some branding elements for selling our log grown shiitakes. What do you think about these color schemes? More on shiitakes coming soon. . . and hopefully a resurrection of the Spring Bird Newsletter! 

Desk Lamp Dinosaurs Fine Art Giclee Prints

Desk Lamp Dinosaurs Fine Art Giclee Prints

I do so much of my work by the light of a desk lamp – well it’s actually by the light of four desk lamps. I find them beautiful and essential, and even though they have been around forever (many new technologies have come and 

Modest Coffee Roasters

Modest Coffee Roasters

My morning coffee is my most cherished ritual. I have waxed lyrical about it many times and have generated devotional art to it. In March of 2020, when everyone stormed the stores for toilet paper and bottled water, I amassed armfuls of chocolate and coffee. 

Mother of Butter Ornament

Mother of Butter Ornament

Mooooo! Here is my ornamental tribute to the Mothers of Butter – to the true Dairy Queens – our utterly beloved barnyard animals – Cows. What are your favorite ways to showcase butter in your meals? Butter on toast? Sitting on the top of a 

Better with Butter

Better with Butter

This week, our local food came to us from the farm located across the street from us. All Grass Farms cultivates pasture raised meat, raw milk, and organic eggs. In addition to a well stocked farm store, they offer CSA boxes, farm tours, and a 

Green Smoothie Ornament!

Green Smoothie Ornament!

Inspired by our trip to the local Organic Rootz shop, I sewed this green smoothie ornament from various scraps. I love green smoothies because they feel indulgent and nutritious at the same time. This ornament: Measures approximately 7.5” x 4” Is made from upcycled and 

Leaf Art: Cyanotype

Leaf Art: Cyanotype

It’s fun to creatively engage with Fall leaves! Beyond marveling at their beauty or collecting them for inside adornment, there are more simple ways that leaves can inspire beautiful creations. For instance, you can make sun prints or cyanotype prints using leaves and cyanotype paper! 

Washing Winter Woolies

Washing Winter Woolies

Fall and Winter are my two favorite seasons. While I love these falling temperatures, I am a person who runs cold like a lizard. So without my heat lamp to keep me unfrozen, I turn to wearing many layers of wool to keep warm. Soon 

Succulent Propagation

Succulent Propagation

Propagating Succulents! Another trial run in plant propagation. This time I wanted to attempt propagating this particular succulent. (I don’t know its name.) In the past I have propagated jade plants and aloes, but I had yet to try snipping a leaf from a succulent.