The Mushrooms Are Blooming!

The Mushrooms Are Blooming!

The Shiitake Mushrooms are BLOOMING! Get your fresh shiitake mushrooms – cultivated on oak and maple logs. Pick up from Spring Bird at your convenience. Delivery options available within 20 miles of Spring Bird. We currently have 3 or 4 lbs blooming this week with 

A True Story

A True Story

Oftentimes, the deer like to play with the rope of our tree swing. They nudge it with their noses.  It’s real, prime time exciting stuff! The other day, one of them climbed through the loop and got momentarily stuck.  For a split second I imagined 

Harvesting Asparagus

Harvesting Asparagus

This afternoon, I had the pleasure of weeding and harvesting the neglected, upper meadow asparagus patch. For those of you who have never toed around in an asparagus patch, let me paint you a word picture before you look below for a more visceral vision. 

Announcing the 2023 Artists in Residence!

Announcing the 2023 Artists in Residence!

This land that we call Spring Bird has also been called Siloam, Torkel Korling’s Arboretum, a dairy farm, and has been/is occupied Potawatomi, Peoria, Sioux, Ho-Chunk, Miami & Kickapoo Land.  While this land that we call Spring Bird has had many identities, it has always 

New Tree Painting!!!!

New Tree Painting!!!!

I live in the woods and am surrounded by the most glorious old oak trees.They offer so much to the natural world, but they also nurture my spirit, giving me inspiration and protection. I painted this neon tree painting on my patio, during a course 

Quiet Please and Thank You

Quiet Please and Thank You

I feel gratitude each time I turn down my gravel driveway. I’m grateful to be home. I’m grateful that my home is a woodland, and I am grateful for the “Quiet Thank You” sign that reminds me to be silent.  If guests are staying at 

Blue Birdhouse

Blue Birdhouse

My neighbor’s husband made this birdhouse, which my neighbor gifted to me awhile back.  In fact, a nest of baby birds hatched within its walls last summer.  I finally got around to painting it this past week, and here it hangs – on the patio 

Cultivating Log Grown Shiitake Mushrooms

Cultivating Log Grown Shiitake Mushrooms

When the mushroom spawn arrived, our patio became an inoculation station. Fortunately, sunshine also made its glorious appearance – lighting and warming our tasks. We were working with shiitake spawn from various strains and logs from red oak, white oak,  and sugar maple, which Pat 

Welcoming Spring!

Welcoming Spring!

This excerpt from Dan Deacon’s song, “When I Was Done Dying”, captures my feelings about Spring which dawns today in the northern hemisphere.  This season smells like a fresh new playground ball mixed with ice melt. It feels like sticky, squishy mud, and it looks 

First Steps in Mushroom Cultivation!

First Steps in Mushroom Cultivation!

This month, Patrick has been harvesting oak and maple logs for shiitake mushroom inoculation! For now, he is stacking them (about 100 logs) in the shade of these yew trees.  At the end of the month, we will be drilling holes in them, stuffing the 

Maple Syrup Season!

Maple Syrup Season!

A few weeks ago, on our way to Milwaukee, I noticed maples being tapped in someone’s backyard.  I smiled. Temperatures in Northern Illinois must have reached above freezing during the day and below freezing at night. This sap seeking process is a seasonal ritual that 

Skunk Cabbage Unsticks Itself

Skunk Cabbage Unsticks Itself

Skunk cabbage is a happy harbinger of Spring. This cabbage patch is popping up in the muddy banks of our creek near the rickety wooden bridge. Skunk cabbage is a good reminder to steadily grow in spite of the cold, clingy mud that threatens to 

Planting Trees for Abe and Pen

Planting Trees for Abe and Pen

In May, Patrick and I planted two trees in honor of our kids.  We planted a Dawn Redwood for Abraham and a Weeping Willow for Penelope. Abe was born in Berkeley, California, and before we left the bay, we took him to the redwood forest.