Modest Coffee Roasters

Modest Coffee Roasters

My morning coffee is my most cherished ritual. I have waxed lyrical about it many times and have generated devotional art to it. In March of 2020, when everyone stormed the stores for toilet paper and bottled water, I amassed armfuls of chocolate and coffee. The woman in line behind me agreed that she could always take a shower if she ran out of toilet paper, but she would be lost without coffee.

Unfortunately, coffee is not grown near Spring Bird. It requires warmer growing conditions, but coffee roasters can be rooted anywhere. 

Fortunately, Modest Coffee is based in Chicagoland with owners Marcus and Jenni living in an old Victorian home that sits blocks from where I grew up in Aurora. 

Together, this hardworking and creative couple ethically source their beans from around the world, have hired an all-female team (except for Marcus), and most importantly curate and roast delicious coffee beans.

So far, I have been enjoying “The Dark” – single origin coffee – sourced from Uganda – Bugisu. It’s perfect for my bubbling Bialetti – Moka pot. 

If you plan on staying at the Spring Bird Cottage anytime soon, I will be stocking “The Modest,” a medium roasted coffee in its cozy kitchen.

Interested in trying a cup of Modest Coffee yourself?  Check out their sampler pack, subscription offerings, or look for them at local retailers and farmers markets. Oh – they also have a coffee podcast for your listening pleasure!

Thanks Modest Coffee for making my morning cup feel even more special and delicious!

PS Each week, I’ve been creating still lives showcasing a particular food or drink. These are available as fine art giclee prints – printed on demand in Crystal Lake – on archival watercolor paper. They are available as 8” x 10”  ($45) or 12” x 15” ($60). Follow the SHOP link . Thanks!