Winter Cabbage: Zeli!

Winter Cabbage: Zeli!

Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage.

It’s a real winter staple and a refreshing summer slaw.

Cabbage is a real keeper all year long.

We cooked it up last night in the Czech fashion – which is braised, sweet and sour.

To make Czech Zeli (fun to say and eat), I began by melting butter in a cast iron skillet (oil or lard would work, too). I then sauteed an onion before adding a chopped red cabbage.  Once that cooked down, I added caraway seeds, sugar, and vinegar and let them cook some more. Finally, when the kids got home and were starving, I salted it and served it.   I probably cooked it for only 20 minutes, but I think it is traditionally cooked for an hour. We didn’t have that amount of time available to us yesterday. It was just a bit more crunchier but still delicious. 

What’s your favorite recipe?