Welcoming Spring!

This excerpt from Dan Deacon’s song, “When I Was Done Dying”, captures my feelings about Spring which dawns today in the northern hemisphere.
This season smells like a fresh new playground ball mixed with ice melt. It feels like sticky, squishy mud, and it looks as sunny as daffodils and as purple as hyacinthian pinatas.
Here are Dan Deacon’s beautiful verse:
“When I was done dying, my conscience regained
So I began my struggle, a nothingness strained
Out a flash made of time, my new form blasted out
And it startled me so and I burst out a shout
At which my legs ran frantic like birds from a nest
And I ran until drained leaving no choice but rest
So I fell asleep softly at the edge of a cave
But I should have gone deeper, but I’m not so brave
And like that I was torn out and thrown in the sky
And I said all my prayers because surely I’ll die
As I crashed down and smashed into Earth, into dirt
How my skin did explode leaving only my shirt
But from shirt grew a tree and then tree grew a fruit
And I became the seed and that seed was a brute
And I clawed through the ground with my roots and my leaves
And I tore up the shirt and I ate up the sleeves
And they laughed out at me and said “what is your plan?”
But their question was foreign I could not understand
When then suddenly I’m ripped up and placed into a mouth
And it swallowed me down at which time I head south, so I said
Hey ya ya, hey ya ya”
#springbird #firstdayofspring #springequinox #dandeacon #oaktree #illustration #drawing #painting #whenIwasdonedying #happyspring #bluejays