Tag: Nature Reflection

Deciduous Conifers Blur Lines

Deciduous Conifers Blur Lines

Did you know that there are evergreens that lose their needles – and I don’t mean your dried out, spent Christmas tree – but living deciduous conifers? I wasn’t aware of these trees until living at Spring Bird, where there are both larch trees and 

Summer Cats Luxuriate, and So Can We

Summer Cats Luxuriate, and So Can We

I had to post this picture of Marbles, because it embodies the essence of Summer.  For me, the internal productivity pusher struggles to embrace the lethargic, sun worshiper of my truer spirit.   Our cats, Marbles and Ninja are such good reminders to just soak up 

A True Story

A True Story

Oftentimes, the deer like to play with the rope of our tree swing. They nudge it with their noses.  It’s real, prime time exciting stuff! The other day, one of them climbed through the loop and got momentarily stuck.  For a split second I imagined 

Quiet Please and Thank You

Quiet Please and Thank You

I feel gratitude each time I turn down my gravel driveway. I’m grateful to be home. I’m grateful that my home is a woodland, and I am grateful for the “Quiet Thank You” sign that reminds me to be silent.  If guests are staying at 

Welcoming Spring!

Welcoming Spring!

This excerpt from Dan Deacon’s song, “When I Was Done Dying”, captures my feelings about Spring which dawns today in the northern hemisphere.  This season smells like a fresh new playground ball mixed with ice melt. It feels like sticky, squishy mud, and it looks 

Maple Syrup Season!

Maple Syrup Season!

A few weeks ago, on our way to Milwaukee, I noticed maples being tapped in someone’s backyard.  I smiled. Temperatures in Northern Illinois must have reached above freezing during the day and below freezing at night. This sap seeking process is a seasonal ritual that 

Skunk Cabbage Unsticks Itself

Skunk Cabbage Unsticks Itself

Skunk cabbage is a happy harbinger of Spring. This cabbage patch is popping up in the muddy banks of our creek near the rickety wooden bridge. Skunk cabbage is a good reminder to steadily grow in spite of the cold, clingy mud that threatens to 

Sunny Winter Day

Sunny Winter Day

The phrase, “The sun is out!” has been repeated several times in my household today. Winter, in this part of the world, provides us with a bevy of grey days. We have so many grey days that the occasional presence of sun feels outstanding and 

A Poem by Maria Carvalho: A Shining Moment

A Poem by Maria Carvalho: A Shining Moment

Winter can feel interminable and impenetrable  – especially during the grey days of February, and it’s poems like this one from Maria Carvalho that remind us that the grey is not permanent and indeed permeable.  There is always sun behind that heavy bank of clouds! 

Poem by Candice Marley Conner: Sleeping Beauty and the Moss-piglet 

Poem by Candice Marley Conner: Sleeping Beauty and the Moss-piglet 

In case you are like me and feel a sudden and desperate pressure to transform into a magic productivity machine – now that we are a bit past the holidays, enjoy this beautiful, poetic reminder to slow down, from author Candice Marley Conner. Candice wrote 

January – A Poem by Mary Fontana

January – A Poem by Mary Fontana

As some of you know, the final issue of my Woolgathering magazine featured poetry. This beautiful and timely poem was written by my dear friend, Mary Fontana, whom I met while volunteering at Annunciation House (a couple of decades ago-yikes!)  Follow Mary on Instagram @maryfontanawrites 

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! A Blessing For 2023 May we: Have more compassion for ourselves and others. Forgive our past mistakes and ill behaviors.  Trust in our intuition and believe ourselves when we are telling ourselves the truth. Build our wildness into abundance. Feel our way 

Happy Holidays!!!!

Happy Holidays!!!!

As we head into the weekend and a blizzard here at Spring Bird, I want to wish you Happy Holidays! Take care of yourselves!!!!