Greenhouse Inauguration

Greenhouse Inauguration

It’s been a LONG while since I gave a greenhouse update, but here we are in March, the mud month, finding ourselves worshiping at the temple of light.

Although we still have a fair amount of construction work, painting, and finishing touches to do, it feels so amazing to be introducing plants to this space. Now it’s officially a growing place!

What’s more, we celebrated Patrick’s birthday by eating a meal there. It was extremely sunny and warm. We bathed in it like smug cats.  It felt very magical – despite the squinty pics. 

Now, the damp has returned with the rain. Dressed as if I work at the docks, I began the arduous and slightly satisfying process of chiseling loose layers from the pool walls. 

We have really gone back and forth with how to handle the walls. To save you the drama, we’ve decided to paint them white as if we were painting a pool’s walls – that is to stay to protect it from water. Then, I am going to paint some jolly, whimsical murals using mistinted paint. There may be a layer of varnish over that – not sure yet.

Yesterday, I spent two hours chipping away, wishing I was actually as strong as a dock worker. The rain pounded on the ceiling, and I couldn’t help but savor the maplike relief of the walls as various layers of paint fell away to reveal the years of coating and recoating. Then there are the natural patinas of water, moss, and mold (and don’t forget those desperate raccoon scratches). I’m a little sad to lose this beauty. So, please allow my indulgent photos marking this stage of the process.

Well, it felt good to catch up. I will be back soon with more!