Abortion Saves Lives

Abortion Saves Lives

Abortion save lives. Healthcare is a human right. A couple of local (Chicagoland and midwestern states) resources that you may wish to support and/or receive services: https://www.chicagoabortionfund.org/ https://midwestaccesscoalition.org/

2022 Artist Residency Accepting Applications!

2022 Artist Residency Accepting Applications!

Calling All Artists! Writers! and Makers!!!!! It’s time to apply to the 2022 Spring Bird’s Artist Residency Program!!! This Residency is for anyone wanting to finish that project they’ve been meaning to complete, OR for those dreaming of something new that they’d like to develop 

Upcoming Let The Power Grow Workshop

Upcoming Let The Power Grow Workshop

Come celebrate the end of Winter and the first drops of Spring at the Earth Hearts’ “Let The Power Grow” Workshop on February 27th, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, at Spring Bird. How might we be interfering with growing power in our own lives – 

DIY Clay Mobile

DIY Clay Mobile

This was a project I shared in the Summer Issue of Woolgathering. They were meant to be bells, but the ceramic wasn’t resonant enough. So, they are dreamy sea creature mobile creations.  I used air dry clay, which I sealed with a varnish and other 

Greenhouse Update!

Greenhouse Update!

Greenhouse update! We’re finishing up the exterior of our greenhouse – which is now technically a brown house. We painted it a grey-brown to match the house and to disappear into the landscape.  This week, Pat began preparing for the stairs by mounting a board 

Woolgathering Podcast: June Episode

Woolgathering Podcast: June Episode

It’s a new episode of the Woolgathering Podcast! In this month’s podcast, we are welcoming June and the beginning of Summer. In this fourth episode of the second season, Sweetheart, an orphaned bunny, tastes the sweetness of June and learns about patience and waiting from 

Spring Equinox: A Balance of All Things

Spring Equinox: A Balance of All Things

Happy Spring Equinox! A new cycle begins, and we are renewed. What is returning for you? Jonquils? The greening of moss and evergreens? Migratory birds? A sense of hope? Or maybe feelings of being stuck? Or feelings of trauma related to the pandemic and/or these 

Thank You For Your Support

Thank You For Your Support

Thank you to ALL who have supported Spring Bird this year! Whether you have been a guest at Spring Bird’s Cottage, attended a workshop, subscribe to the Woolgathering Magazine, or follow our journey virtually, we appreciate your being part of our little ecosystem that only 

Christmas Kugelis and The Persistence of Tradition

Christmas Kugelis and The Persistence of Tradition

So many of us are having to celebrate/endure the holidays without loved ones this year. The luckiest among us will gather again one day. We can honor the loved ones who won’t be joining us at our tables this year or next year by remembering 

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Tomorrow, the Sun will return to us for a little longer than today.  Today, appreciate what the darkness has to offer. Happy Winter Solstice and Happy “Great Planetary Conjunction Day!”

Introducing Woolgathering Bandanas!

Introducing Woolgathering Bandanas!

In thinking of what to include in the 2021 Woolgathering Magazine Total Package Subscription, I was compelled to make Woolgathering Bandanas to mark this pandemic era.  Do you remember when a bandana was all that we had at our disposal for protecting ourselves and our 

Nocino: A Winter Walnut Liqueur That Begins In Summer

Nocino: A Winter Walnut Liqueur That Begins In Summer

As a child I associated green walnuts being hurled at me by my older brother. If I was quick enough, they would hit the side of the fort in a forceful splat. Ever since, I have associated their smell with Summer. As an adult, I 

Woolgathering Spring Issue – Feed Your Cats Comic

Woolgathering Spring Issue – Feed Your Cats Comic

I am sharing this comic from the 2020 Spring Issue of Woolgathering because I am feeling the need for some levity and thought perhaps you are feeling the same.  It’s Monday. It’s another week in quarantine. We are surrounded by uncertainty and fear. We are 

Making Rainbows

Making Rainbows

Today you might be feeling restless, afraid, nervous, bored, secluded, happy, sleepy, or some mixed cocktail orchestrated by these uncertain times. For me, this uncertainty of emotions mirrors the uncertainty of the weather that we experience in Spring. A Spring day contains multitudes – bitter