Washing Winter Woolies

Washing Winter Woolies

Fall and Winter are my two favorite seasons. While I love these falling temperatures, I am a person who runs cold like a lizard. So without my heat lamp to keep me unfrozen, I turn to wearing many layers of wool to keep warm.

Soon and very soon, I will be shrouding my frigid self head to toe in beloved hats, scarves, legwarmers, slippers, and my recent purchase from thredup: wool leggings! To prepare for my en-wrap-ture (teehee), I hand washed my woolies and dried them in the fading sun. 

These woolies are dear friends of mine. They help me to endure the cold of my favorite seasons. I will wear them continuously for the next six to seven months. It felt really good to wash off last year’s wear and freshen them for their important work.

Do you run cold? 

Do you have a favorite woolie to keep you warm?