Upcoming Workshop!

Forest Bathing at Spring Bird with Rachel E. Maley
Date: Sunday 7/11/2021
From: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Shinrin yoku森林浴, “forest bathing”, is a modern Japanese incarnation of centuries-long traditions of finding healing in nature. Bathe all the senses in the simple pleasures of Spring Bird’s paths, streams, and plant life, with a series of guided invitations to cultivate presence and experience the natural world in new ways. A fun and gentle one-hour guided experience, followed by free time to explore, journal, draw, or photograph on your own.
Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, water, and a snack if desired. You may wish to bring a journal or sketchbook, and a small camp stool or sit mat. Long pants and sturdy shoes recommended. PLEASE NOTE: face masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn during gathered group activities. $25
Spring Bird
18N600 Westhill Rd.
West Dundee, IL 60118