Temple to Self-Reflection

Temple to Self-Reflection

During May and June, I took time off from regular duties to connect more intently with nature at Spring Bird. 

It was a dreamtime of greeting each day with a question – what needs to be done on the ground? – Who is calling for my attention?  On our morning walk with the dog, I’d observe and listen and then go to whoever was calling to me. Perhaps it was a patch of weed trees surrounding and oak that needed clearing or maybe a garden bed that needed weeding.

It was an organic way of working and living that tossed to-do lists into the recycling bin. 

During this wondrous time, I also indulged in creative play – allowing myself to explore different techniques and media.

I constructed, clumsily, this Temple to Self-Reflection. I used the old decking from the former pool for the body of the temple. Then, I clad her in mirrors, aluminum, and dollhouse shingles and siding (which I woodburned). 

Encased in the house are some tokens and a message from Rumi:

“The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.”  – Rumi

Patrick helped me mount the temple to a stump on the slope that descends from the greenhouse. 

It’s my hope that guests to Spring Bird will meet the house there and gain some insight from gazing into its reflective surfaces. They will be able to see the universe inside of them!