Tag: Nature Reflection

Full Moon Beckons A New Rhythm

Full Moon Beckons A New Rhythm

Another full moon arrived yesterday!  This one raps out the message that a new rhythm is required. The winds are changing. The leaves are falling. Resources are waning. There has to be a new way – full of ease and aptitude and love — a 

CAWWW! It’s Fall!

CAWWW! It’s Fall!

I have been finding feathers, but more on that later. . . Besides a keen eye for collecting, what other messages does Crow bring us? According to Jamie Sams and David Carson in Medicine Cards,  “You must put aside your fear of being a voice 

A Sweater for James

A Sweater for James

A Sweater For James A week ago it came to me Soon two years ol our James will be I’ll make a sweater like his eyes Blue as Whitman County skies I knitted early, I knitted late I got it done at any rate. Pickles 

Bat Reborn

Bat Reborn

Got any good bat stories? I have one that involves a bat encounter while on vacation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and includes a series of rabies shots for my daughter Penelope.  And yes, while bats can be rabid, they’re usually harmless to us. 

What Do I Do Without You Full Moon

What Do I Do Without You Full Moon

Well, the moon may be waning, but I still wanted to honor this month’s full moon.  I decided to honor the juvenile red tail hawk who has been crying piercing and shrill shrieks. There were a couple of weeks where he’d cry incessantly. It was 

Tomatillos and Salsa Two Ways

Tomatillos and Salsa Two Ways

Ooooh! Look at this bowl of tomatillos! We’ve been fortunate to have some healthy and productive tomatillo plants this year. Summer is the Season of Salsa!!!  We have two favorite recipes (one green and one roasted red) that we learned while we (Patrick and I) 

DIY Clay Mobile

DIY Clay Mobile

This was a project I shared in the Summer Issue of Woolgathering. They were meant to be bells, but the ceramic wasn’t resonant enough. So, they are dreamy sea creature mobile creations.  I used air dry clay, which I sealed with a varnish and other 

Nature Kid Cartoon: How I Got My Butterfly

Nature Kid Cartoon: How I Got My Butterfly

I’ve been wanting (so badly) to get better at telling stories with words and images and image-words.  AND THEN – I want to tell/show stories about my relationship with nature — and stories representing myself as nature. So — Here is a stab! I want 

Summer Ice Cream!!

Summer Ice Cream!!

We’re totally getting ice cream tonight! What’s your favorite flavor? This image came from the postcard included with the Summer Issue of Woolgathering! Not a subscriber to Woolgathering? Don’t worry, Sweetheart!  Learn more about Woolgathering, my quarterly, ad-free magazine about the seasons and our deep 

Wren Moon!

Wren Moon!

So, yesterday was a full moon that came after a very full week at Spring Bird. We’ve had a family emergency, a busy week of nature/art camp, and we are babysitting chickens! So, for this month, I chose to honor the wren, because this time 



For this year’s Summer Issue of Woolgathering, I made my first ever sheet of stickers printed by @stickermule! Creating a sheet of stickers seemed more appropriate for this issue in which I wrote about collecting rocks and shells on the beach. For me, the process 



If we are lucky, we may find ourselves on a beach at the sea this Summer.  If we are not so lucky, we may take pleasure in knowing that the sea exists inside us always.  We, living organisms, were birthed from the sea like Aphrodite.  

Blue Herons in Tree Tops and on Front Covers!

Blue Herons in Tree Tops and on Front Covers!

In continuing to honor blue heron and water birds this Summer, here is the cover from the Summer Issue of Woolgathering, my adfree, quarterly magazine about the seasons and our deep connection to nature.  I’ve always wanted to see a blue heron in a tree. 

Post ID: 4886

Happy Full Moon! I choose to honor the blue heron this month!  And while I don’t think I’ve ever seen one land in a tree or stand in the creek at Spring Bird, they do fly over me quite frequently (as one did just an