Succulent Propagation

Propagating Succulents!
Another trial run in plant propagation. This time I wanted to attempt propagating this particular succulent. (I don’t know its name.) In the past I have propagated jade plants and aloes, but I had yet to try snipping a leaf from a succulent. (This one kind of reminds me of a Christmas cactus in its leaf structure.)

Anyway that is what I did. I cut three leaves off of the parent plant (see photo for parent), and I allowed them to sit on my shelf for more than 5 days until they formed a little “bud” on their ends.

This afternoon, I potted them in a compost/sand mixture and watered them a little. We will see how it goes! I hope they thrive. I am probably a plant hoarder, and therefore, propagation is thrilling to me! More! More! More!

Perhaps, I should learn how to give these babies away!