This morning something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. It was a plucky squirrel plunging downwards on a willowy branch like a bungee jumper dangling from a bridge. Just as I suspected, another fluffy tailed friend prepped for the same, daring leap behind the first squirrel.
I’ve been watching these squirrels move along this treetop pathway for months. They always seem to be moving in the same precarious path, and I wonder if they are actually enjoying it – like an amusement ride. Earlier this year, there were a bevy of young squirrels that ran this circuit of climbing trees, leaping daringly, and then climbing down to do it all over again like children at a waterpark. Were they thrill seekers or just practicing their skills the way a toddler repeats a new word until mastery is achieved?
Either way, these squirrels bring us much entertainment as they embody the frenzy of fall – the panic of preparing for winter. They are our reminder to not only ready ourselves for the lean months but also to have some fun doing it!
Are you a squirrel watcher? What do you notice about squirrels – if anything?
This image comes from a piece I’d written about squirrels for the Fall Issue of Woolgathering, Spring Bird’s quarterly, adfree magazine about the seasons and our deep connection to nature. If you would like to learn more about Woolgathering and to subscribe visit https://springbird.land/woolgathering/ ) – where you can also request your free sample issue!