Spring Rituals: Mud

As Spring sends up its first tender, green shoots, we begin a new cycle of Rituals.
For starters, March’s snow melt brings mud. I really smelled it for the first time the other day, and I just sighed with relief knowing we were on our way.
Mud is so much a part of our life at Spring Bird, that we have a room dedicated to it and the piles of rubber wellies (which spiders like to inhabit.)
But mud gives way to so much more than paw prints and dirt frosted boots.
Mud is the womb in which we start our tiny seeds. Pat planted our first seeds in a carton which he warms atop our stove. When the seeds begin to sprout he’ll move them to the mud room under grow lights.
Yesterday, the kids each planted a row of spinach and lettuce in the protected mud of our hoop house.
It’s a good reminder to me that big important things start as small seeds – barely detectable – easily ignored, and those tiny seeds are nothing but potential without the nourishing womb of mud.
Cheers to mud! I hope you are all encountering mud throughout March and into Spring!
May your seeds (real and metaphorical) sprout into the beauties they are meant to be!
For more about Spring Rituals, get your free sample issue of Woolgathering the Magazine here: https://springbird.land/woolgathering/
#imagedescription an illustrated hand drops a small seed into an egg carton of filled with mud. The word “mud” is written above the drawing.