Spinning for Gratitude Workshop Review

Two Saturdays ago, textile artist Pamela Penney, taught a spinning workshop at Spring Bird’s Cottage. It was such a lovely day, and I feel so fortunate that I was able to participate!
We began by discarding our anxieties and worries in order to connect to our gratitudes, which we journaled about. After learning some basics in using a drop spindle, we chose wool roving and bits of yarn and fiber that represented those things we are thankful for. Pam prepared our bundles for spinning, and we were able to spin our gratitudes into a beautiful art yarn!!!
I was so grateful to relax and learn a new skill while being mindful of the magnificent year that I have had! I even spun on one of Pam’s wheels! It was a very clumsy and chunky yarn, but I loved it.
Above, the centeral image is my graitude yarn and the drop spindle that Pam makes and woodburns.
Learn more about Pam , her workshops, and textile wares here: https://pamelapenney.com/
See photos from the workshop below!