Primary Colors for Family Calendar

One of my favorite family traditions is creating a wall calendar together. There are four of us and twelve months. So, each of us gets our birthday month plus two more to paint, draw, collage, or illustrate in whatever way we see fit. (Feel free to be impressed by my math).
Abe tends to draw castles. Penelope prefers using digital drawing tools to create moody scenes. Patrick assembles collages with interesting themes, and I usually pull from art I have already made, or I have hastily thrown together something just to make the deadline.
This year, I took advantage of the acrylic painting groove that I find myself in, and chose to devote a canvas to each month painted in a primary color. These were really fun, and I look forward to seeing them pop up throughout the year in the form of a wall calendar.
So, here are red, yellow, and blue AKA September, July, and November.
All paintings are also for $ale! If you are interested visit HERE