Noticing Nature Notebook

Hi Folks!
As we are continuing to stay rooted at our homes, I have been thinking about my practice of noticing nature. This little practice has evolved to most recently be a daily sketch and scribbles about some aspect of nature, with which I have connected that day.
For me, noticing the changes of the seasons, paying attention to what plants are blooming, studying seeds, and waving at animal friends, is about deepening my relationship with nature. I want to fall deep in love with the earth, and I believe that by paying attention to her the romance can really spark!
I am thinking about evolving this practice into something a little bit more planned — with a little bit more thinking and intention behind it — and with a collective community component to boot. So, stay tuned! I will be sending out invitations to join me next month!
For now, here is a video of me talking, in the rain, about my humble practice of noticing nature.
Wishing you well!