Mushroom and Gourd Rattles

In the fall issue of Woolgathering, my quarterly magazine about the seasons and our intimate connection to nature, I shared a tutorial for making these Mushroom and Gourd Rattles.
I used takeout containers to shape the mushrooms and plastic Easter eggs for the gourds. I then used plaster cloth to polish off their forms and acrylic paint to give them color.
Oh, and they are filled with buttons and beads, but I think I will use some louder pebbles next time. The eggs have a better voice than the takeout containers.
Shaking a rattle can transform the energy of a moment – which can be quite helpful when we feel stuck. Rattles are also great for celebrating and expressing our joy. It’s something we did quite often as babies, but I think we can still appreciate it as we grow into elderhood!
Shake! Shake! Shake!
Learn more about Woolgathering, Spring Bird’s quarterly, adfree magazine about the seasons and our deep connection to nature by visiting – where you can also request your free sample issue!
[image description: a photograph of six rattles with wooden stick handles and plaster cloth sculpted heads in the shape of gourds and mushrooms. The rattles are leaning against a mossy log ]
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