May Morning Routine – Tending to Garlic Mustard

Okay, so this is a reenactment of my May Morning Routine.
Each morning, after dropping Penelope off at the bus, Lucy and I meander through the woods looking for garlic mustard, an invasive species that blooms in May.
I yank the plant up by its loose roots releasing its pungent, garlicky smell and stuff it into my hand.
As my bouquet grows, I play tug of war with Lucy who’d rather follow an animal scent or eat deer poop. I usually win, and we search for more garlic mustard.
If we take an extra moment to look around, we are lucky enough to witness the other woodland plants growing nearby.
Eventually, we make our way back to our house. I leave my garlic mustard bouquet on the patio to whither, and we go inside to begin our day.
It’s a most satisfying process, and I want to be doing it all of the time.