Making Mint Tea from Homegrown Dried Mint

Making Mint Tea from Homegrown Dried Mint

I dried some mint for tea this morning! 

This was my first time doing so, and I am fairly content with my results. 

We grow mint at several locations not only because it is a yummy herb, but because it spreads easily as a ground cover, is a good pollinator, and wondrously the deer don’t eat it.  

After harvesting and thoroughly washing the mint, I removed the stems and spread the leaves on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. 

I then slowly dried them in the oven set to 150 degrees with the door propped open for about an hour.

I set the oven a little too high for the first batch and scorched some of the leaves. In the future, I would like to try it with a food dehydrator – if we ever get one. 

The tea was delicious, though. I am happy to further the uses of mint as I tuck it into my tea drawer. It will be extra pleasurable to sip a cup of homegrown tea!