I’m Possible Moon

I’m Possible Moon

Happy I’m Possible Moon!

In March of 2014, My sister Lisa, my Mom, and I spotted, unbelievably, two screech owls perched on an oak tree limb outside of the Siloam/Spring Bird Cottage. We were spending a retreat there during a time when the owners were preparing to sell their home and land, which they called Siloam, and they presented the possibility to my family of purchasing it. At the time, my Mom struggled to conceive of a way to make it work for her and my Dad. We women met in Martha’s living room, where I sit now writing this post, where Martha’s cat, Adagio, jumped on my lap to discuss all of the possible ways that my parents could purchase this property and “make it work”, and they all seemed impossible. That word kept surfacing – impossible. It was impossible that we spotted these owls. It was impossible that there were two. At first there seemed to be only one. Then, upon studying them and being with them, I realized that there was a second screech owl. I had mistaken it for part of the oak tree! 

Back in the living room, we women hashed out the impossibilities. Then, my Mom stood up, and we noticed something else remarkable. Her Avon breast cancer walk t-shirt had the phrase screen printed on the back “I’m Possible.” And it clicked. We accepted it as truth. We didn’t know how it would unfold, but we trusted that we were possible. It was possible. Somehow we’d connect our family to this land, and somehow we did. That following November, Patrick and I bought Siloam from Martha and David. It was possible. Now Spring Bird is possible, and whatever comes after Spring Bird will be possible. 

While I’ve heard screech owls trill at night in the years since, I have never seen one again – let alone two. 

So, make this full moon your I’m Possible Moon and do something or think something that seems impossible to you. 

PS A note on the construction of this moon. The fabric and threads were calling to me. So, I decided to make a quilt square with insufficient time to complete it. Racing against the clock, I decided to post this WIP with the second owl unfinished, but then, I wondered if perhaps it is finished. Because the second owl always makes me think of the realities that are plain sight that we can not see until we allow ourselves to see it. They are not obvious to us until we adjust our mindset or perhaps our perception. What do you think? Should I finish embroidering the second owl or leave it how it is?