Green Onions!

“It’s a good year for bulbs!” Patrick remarked this morning. We seem to have more crocuses than ever – popping up in surprising places – probably planted by squirrels.
These bulbs are some of our first plants to surface each Spring, and I like to think they are as eager and excited for Spring as we are. They wait and wait just as we do through the cold of Winter to arrive.
Green Onions are often underrated as a Spring arrival, but they return nonetheless despite the paltry fanfare. In the garden Green Onions are our first foods we harvest. I snipped some the other day for a chickpea salad! Delicious!

I made these green onion stickers for the Spring Issue of Woolgathering, my quarterly publication about the seasons and seasonal mindfulness. If you’d like a free sample issue of Woolgathering, visit link to get yours!
#imagedescription First image shows a pile of small stickers of illustrated green onions laying on dry, brown leaves. The second image is a hand holding freshly harvested green onions.
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