Green Glass Shrine

As Spring seems more mythical than inevitable, I decided to focus on the indoor potential of making a shrine to green – to life!
I even planted some old oat seeds in an empty tea tin to witness sprouting. (This is great to do with kids, by the way. I poked some holes in the bottom with a nail for drainage). It’s sort of your own DIY chia pet. You could even turn your container into a head and the oats would become the hair.
Also, I filled an Ikea greenhouse with favorite collections of stones, sticks, seeds, and shells with some potted succulents, a couple treasured kidmade ceramics, and a stack of cherished books to create a sacred green space.
It feels intentional and devotional and a place to focus my restless energy as the seasons are changing!
Try making a shrine to green at home! It could be a small terrarium or a potted plant. Hopefully, the real deal will be budding soon!