Food Forest Farm Fence Complete!

Wait a minute . . . is that a new fence at Spring Bird!?
Why . . .YES! We* did recently finish the installation of the fence surrounding our once and future Food Forest Farm AKA our Multistory Agroforestry System AKA our Multifunctional Woody Polycultures.
While we love and enjoy our free ranging forest goats AKA white tail deer, they are devastating to the plants of the Food Forest Farm.
So, a sufficiently tall fence had to be built to give our plants a chance to grow. We are hopeful that this fence will be effective at protecting about an acre of FFF. Currently, there is not much to tempt the intruders save for a patch of asparagus, a couple of pears and plums, mulberries, raspberries, honeyberries, and currents.
In a couple of weeks, after dormancy sets in and before the ground freezes, Pat will transplant some willows, maples, oaks, and hazelnuts who are now temporarily planted in the veggie garden. Eventually we will be planting pawpaws, more berries, and various fruit and nut trees.
In the meantime, there is much clearing and organizing of the FFF to make way.
If you happen to be visiting Spring Bird, there are two entrances for your use. There is this set of doors (pictured) at the north west end of the FFF, and you can also use the person sized door at the north east corner of the FFF. Just make sure you close the door after you are done, and watch your step as the paths have not been fully constructed (yet).
While this fencing project was finished a bit later than expected, it feels really good to be completed. All other efforts depend on its efficacy. So, no pressure.
* “We” really means Patrick. Abe helped occasionally. I painted a sign.