Bat Reborn

Bat Reborn

Got any good bat stories?

I have one that involves a bat encounter while on vacation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and includes a series of rabies shots for my daughter Penelope. 

And yes, while bats can be rabid, they’re usually harmless to us. They’re actually quite helpful in that they feast on insects like mosquitoes! 

Bat energy is powerful energy. Bat’s are about rebirth and bringing your old self into a newer self. 

So, hang upside down today and be batty! You will be reborn anew!

Read more about powerful Bat in the Summer issue of Woolgathering, Spring Bird’s quarterly, adfree magazine about the seasons and our deep connection to nature by visiting here – where you can also request your free sample issue! 

Image description: a watercolor and ink illustration of a dark back hanging upside down against a grainy black background.