Aldo Leopold Benches

Well, it was challenging to finish varnishing these benches with all of the rain, and then even more rain prevented us from getting them in the garden! But, today, we finally cleared spaces for them in the forest garden, and now they are part bench-part garden art. I love them!
My bench is a tribute to David’s “You Are Here” sign which has become Spring Bird’s motto, and it’s never been more true than in a garden.
Penelope’s bench is a beach bench because she loves water, sand, and sun and hopes to live on an island some day. For now, she found the sunniest place in the garden for her bench. She painted me and her playing volleyball on the seat.
Abe’s bench is a tree. He loves trees. green, natural wood, and gold. His bench is under the mulberry tree.
While we weeded in the garden, the bunnies took turns grazing in the grass and the mama ducks and five ducklings spent their first extended time outside, too! The forest garden was a busy bee today!!!