Sweaters For Sticks

Like most sensible people, I like staring at beautiful balls of yarn in colorful combinations, but I don’t always want to invest myself and my time into long term projects like an afghan. So, why not wrap small bits of colorful yarn around sticks?
This project is great for bringing the outdoors indoors, and during this achromatic season, it can be fun to excite our senses with bright, warm colors.
This project is also great for involving kids. I would recommend using shorter, stubbier sticks with no branching to minimize frustration.

Materials required:
-small amounts of yarn in a variety of colors
-sticks or branches
Cut a short piece of string – approximately 12 – 15 inches.
Begin at one end of your stick and tie the yarn onto the stick.Wrap your yarn around the stick while tucking your “tied end ” under the wrapped yarn so that you are hiding the loose end.
You can wrap as densely or loosely as you prefer. It’s up to you how much stick is visible.Before you run out of yarn, tie a knot.
Choose another color of yarn , cut it, and tie it onto the stick at the end of your first color.
Continue wrapping while tucking your ends under the wrapped yarn.
If you are wrapping branches, you can continue onto an offshoot very easily.At the end of a branch, make a knot and trim the excess yarn. You can also rewrap a contrasting color of yarn over existing wrapped yarn to add variety and texture.
Not pictured, you could also wrap continuously over one area to create bumps for a bulbous effect – might be interesting.When you’ve decided that you’ve done enough wrapping, make an arrangement of wrapped and unwrapped branches to enjoy inside!