Scarcity Mindset Vs. Abundance Mindset

Scarcity Mindset Vs. Abundance Mindset

This image that I drew was inspired by the artwork: “An angel holding a cornucopia” By David Ellinger 1988

This dichotomy of scarcity and abundance, has been on my mind for awhile now. I know that I tend to have an ingrained scarcity mindset, which I am working to change.

My scarcity voice sounds like this:

“Make sure you eat that food even though you are not hungry because it is free.”
“You better get it now before it’s gone!”
“This post should be getting more likes.”
“Will I ever be successful?”
“I wish I had more followers”
“If I only had . . .”

A scarcity mindset puts you in a position of lack, owant, and of need, regardless of whether you have much or very little. It’s a state of mind not a state of fact.

People with the most money, food, and stuff might actually have a scarcity mindset. They may be in a pattern of thought that is stuck on a loop “there is never enough X”  For me this “never enough of X” is connected to my not feeling enough. It is tied to my lack of self worth.

An abundance mindset, on the other hand, is a mindset in which you have enough. You have more than enough. In fact you have so much that you can share.

The abundant voice sounds like this:

“I can’t wait to share this podcast that I heard – or this idea with my friends.”
“I am grateful for everything I have.”
“I am full, thank you.”
“I have so much to offer the world, what am I going to share next?”
“I am enough.”
“There is so much to learn, to know about, to understand, and I am part of that mystery.”

One of the greatest examples that I have encountered of abundance in action was while volunteering at the shelter for youth experiencing homelessness. They shared everything – even though material possessions were scarce. They shared metra cards and snacks. They accompanied friends to appointments and interviews. They even gave away the art that I was helping them to make. They shared because sharing is survival. They were helping each other survive.

Life is fuller when we live with an abundance mindset. It’s full of love and friendship and not full of resentment, fear, or feeling cheated.

It’s been a constant struggle for me to shift, but it is beautiful thing when it happens.

When applied to creativity abundance mentality explodes! We can share so much with creative expressions and applications and the world is hungry for it – for your creativity. You have something to share that will help us to survive!

Do you struggle with a scarcity mindset?