2019 Spring Bird Artist Residency
For a very long time, I’ve been wanting to host an Artist Residency at Spring Bird for artists, writers, and makers who are longing to have the time and space to make! I know how critical this cottage and woodland was to me in the years of having young kids. I rarely had any time to create alone. My spirit would be continually renewed with each visit — enough to feed me for months.
I want to pay forward what has been so generously been given to us by offering Spring Bird’s annual Artist Residency Program!
Spring Bird’s Artist Residency is one week or 6 nights spent over 3 weekends for an artist, writer, or a maker and their friend to finish a project that they have been aching to finish. The Artist/Writer/Maker will be able to stay at the cottage at no cost for the allotted time and be free to make whatever is proposed in the application. The point of the residency is to reconnect with your project, finish it, and connect with nature and with your creative self.
To learn more about the residency and to apply, see the Artist Residency Application.